2D platformer

I was wandering around youtube a few days ago and found a video on how to make 2D platformer games in unity; and I was thinking it’s a good idea. So I am following the videos and I am at episod 7 of the videos. Till now I’ve done some pralaxing and tiling for the background.

image of our 2D platformer game

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Back in 2011 Behdad and I started talking about games and game Ideas; the idea behind Elements was one of the first ones that he shared with me. It was born out of contemplating on social games like Mafia, and card games like Yu-Gi-Oh!. It was a board game but like Mafia it needed an omniscent entity to make it work and it had some complicated calculations so it couldn’t be a traditional board game but a video game instead.

elements board

In its first iteration the game was designed for 2-4 players. The board was a diamond-shaped grid and each player had a number of warriors on this grid. There were four resources, namely air, earth, fire and water. Warriors were composed of a combination of these elements and the dominant element would have specified the warrior’s type, and each type had a certain attribute, e.g., a warrior of type fire had more attack power and an earth warrior was good at defence. In each turn the player could move a warrior by one grid or attack a neibouring enemy or split the warrior into two warriors. The attack and defense logic was based on a graph indicated which element can attack which other elements.

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TwinSkaters (prototype)

For our second game we came up with a vertically scrolling game. We are still using Unity3d as our game engine and like Swirl this game is also build for Windows and Mac OSX.

As a player, you are in control of two skateboards. Left and right arrow keys will shift both skateboards to the respected direction, up moves the skateboards further apart and down makes them closer to each other.

TwinSkaters screen shot

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Swirl (prototype)

Swirl is our first game (more of a prototype, actually) with Unity. Both of us are programmer but we were not familiar with Unity3d, so this was our introduction to Unity. We spent more time that we expected on Swirl, probably due to the fact that this was our first encounter with Unity3D and our C# knowledge was a little rusty as well.

Swirl screen shot

It is a very simple 2D game. The user controls two handles to guide a ball into a black hole in the center to proceed to the next level while having 100 seconds to finish each level. It consists of 9 levels, each introducing a new mechanism in the game and it becomes harder as you proceed. In some levels, there may be some requirements for the hole to appear.

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Magical Monsters Begins

Magical Monsters is a small team, which makes small games for the sake of fun.
We will keep track of what we do in this blog.